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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Managed Services and Today Screen Item with .NET Compact Framework

I'm .NET addicted and never felt comfortable to realize that I can't solve my problem in pure managed manner.
Well, the "native" is a native part of the mobile developer, but anyway I prefer managed.

I was happy to see that some mobile folks here work for my comfort :)

Peter Nowaks has a post about creating Managed Services in Windows Mobile by using .NET Compact Framework. He has created a managed library, hosted in CodePlex. His work is based on article by Pavel Bánský

Christopher Fairbairn also published  a very handy library, which may help you creating a managed Today Screen Item.


Great work guys!


Peter Nowaks on Creating Managed Services in Windows Mobile
Pavel Bánský on Creating Managed Services in Windows Mobile
Christopher Fairbairn on Creating Managed Today Screen Item

Monday, June 09, 2008

PowerShell Windows Mobile Provider

I'm still interested in automating most of my daily dev tasks , because I am always behind the schedule.

A time ago I've publushed a post about a possible way to automate some windows mobile related tasks by using PowerShell and RAPI ( OpenNETCF wrapper implementation)

Oisin Grehan (Microsoft MVP) kindly informed me few days ago about the PowerShell Windows Mobile Provider developed by him. It is hosted in the CodePlex

It provides the following features:

  • Copy, Move, Delete items between folders on your device (including Storage Card) with standard PowerShell Cmdlets

  • Move/Copy files to/from your device and your desktop with ConvertTo-WMFile and ConvertFrom-WMFile

  • Get device information and manipulate and explore the registry with a rich device object returned from Get-WMDevice

  • Invoke-Item against remote items to or execute or trigger their associated applications

  • Invoke-Item with -Local switch to attempt to execute a remote file in the context of your local desktop (e.g. office docs or images/videos)

  • New "Mode" attributes specific to Windows Mobile file attributes: (I)nRom, Rom(M)odule

  • File/Folder objects' attributes can be modified with .Attributes properties just like FileInfos etc.

  • Tab completion with MoW's PowerTab



PowerShell Windows Mobile Provider on Oisin Grehan's Blogs
PowerShell Windows Mobile Provider on CodePlex
Neil Cowburn on Windows PowerShell,RAPI and devices's GAC
RAPI and PowerShell on My Blog