NAVmoble - the pocket-sized ERP
Optimized for Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Windows Mobile powered devices

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

VS2003-To-VS2005 Solution conversion failure

I tried to convert my VS2003 SmartDevice solution to VS2005. Unfortunately, the conversion wizard faled with message "Compact Framework 1.0 is not installed."I was in a hurry so decided just to solve the problem.( I have CF 1.0 installed, actually!I was even able to create and run CF1.0 solution with VS2003 in order to see if it still works).Anyway I found the following resolution:

After conversion falure you will see your VS2005 solution having all projects marked as "Unavailable".
In order to fix the problem perform the following steps:

  1. Click the right mouse button over the project in Solution Explorer. Select"Edit xxxxxx.csproj" - it opens the project file source.
  2. Locate tag TargetFrameworkVersion and change tag content from "v1.0" to "v.2.0"3.
  3. Click the right mouse over the project in Solution Explorer again and select "Reload project." Conversion wizard will open again and you will have your project in VS2005 format.
    This does not mean you will be able to compile it. You may have to spent some more time to solve some other issues :(


Sriram said...


I work on the Visual Studio for Devices team. Can you send me the smallest possible code which causes this upgrade failure? Otherwise any error info/screenshots would be helpful. My mail id is sriramk AT

Ruslan Trifonov said...

I see now that I've missed to write the name of the Xml tag to change.
I am talking about tag named "TargetFrameworkVersion"